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Interface InitializeAccount2Accounts


  • InitializeAccount2Accounts



owner1: PublicKey

This is the user who is initializing the storage account and is automatically added as an admin

owner1TokenAccount: PublicKey

This is the user's token account with which they are staking

rent: PublicKey

Rent Program

stakeAccount: PublicKey

This token account serves as the account which holds user's stake for file storage.

storageAccount: PublicKey

This account is a PDA that holds a user's storage account information. Upgraded to StorageAccountV2.

storageConfig: PublicKey

This account is a PDA that holds the storage configuration, including current cost per byte,

systemProgram: PublicKey

System Program

tokenMint: PublicKey

This is the token in question for staking.

tokenProgram: PublicKey

Token Program

uploader: PublicKey

Uploader needs to sign as this txn needs to be fulfilled on the middleman server to create the ceph bucket

userInfo: PublicKey

This account is a PDA that holds a user's info (not specific to one storage account).

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