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Interface DecreaseStorage2Accounts


  • DecreaseStorage2Accounts



emissionsWallet: PublicKey

Token account holding operator emission funds

owner: PublicKey

File owner, user, fee-payer Requires mutability since owner/user is fee payer.

ownerAta: PublicKey

User's ATA

rent: PublicKey

Rent Program

stakeAccount: PublicKey

This token account serves as the account which holds user's stake for file storage.

storageAccount: PublicKey

Parent storage account.

storageConfig: PublicKey

This is the StorageConfig accounts that holds all of the admin, uploader keys.

systemProgram: PublicKey

System Program

tokenMint: PublicKey

Token mint account

tokenProgram: PublicKey

Token Program

unstakeAccount: PublicKey

Account which stores SHDW when unstaking

unstakeInfo: PublicKey

Account which stores time, epoch last unstaked

uploader: PublicKey

Uploader needs to sign off on decrease storage

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